Welcome Week is a fun and exciting week for your student athletes to show off their competitiveness side accompanied with teamwork and fun. But how do you come up with creative and original ideas that will make your Welcome Week memorable? Here are ideas to kick start your own Welcome Week.

Be sure to tag @bsnsports on all social media so we can experience the fun together.

  1. Trivia Game: Try hosting a trivia game about your school or campus and gather unique facts. You can easily build this through google forms.
  2. Human Knot: Take on the Human Knot game to put your team’s problem-solving skills to the test.
  3. Beach Knot: Challenge yourselves to the Beach Ball game, which can be similar to the Human Knot, just a bit more difficult! Once entangled, pass around a beach ball without letting it hit the ground.
  4. Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament: Organize a Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament and watch your students compete! The losing opponents then become the cheerleaders for the winners.
  5. This or That: Play the classic game of “This or That” and have the students pick which side of the room they prefer.
  6. Student vs. Staff: What better way to welcome students than challenge them to a friendly competition. You can pick the game, but our favorites include volleyball or game of kickball!
  7. Selfie Scavenger Hunt: Get them to explore campus with a Selfie Scavenger Hunt! Give them specific locations around campus and they can take selfies and make it into a fun competition.
  8. Bingo: Add some old school fun with a Bingo game. Add some fun prizes to raise the stakes.
  9. Three of a Kind: Give your students a time limit to find three people who share something in common with them for the “Three of a Kind” game.
  10. Before I Graduate: Encourage your student athletes to express their goals for the year with a “Before I Graduate” Board. Create a spot in the locker room or facility where they can post their self-reflections and goals.

Have fun and enjoy welcoming your student-athletes back on campus!

Don’t forget to tag @bsnsports during your Welcome Week.